LAB Lloyd Aereo Boliviano, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1925- 2006. - #1, #2, #3::
- #4:
LACSA Lineas Aereas Costarricenses, San José, Costa Rica,
founded 1945 - since 1999 associated in TACA alliance. - #3:
LADE Lineas Aereas del Estado, Buenos Aires, Argentina, founded 1944.
- #2(W16,4cm), #2A(W14cm, thicker plastic):
LADECO - Linea Aérea Del Cobre, Santiago de Chile, 1958-1996. - #2:
LAKER Airways, UK, 1966-1982. - #2/#3(diff size, maker SkyBag-3 in right gusset):
LAM -Linhas Aereas de Mozambique, Maputo, founded 1980 by renaming from DETA *1934.
- #3, #2, #4, #9:
LAN Chile, Santiago, founded 1929. - #13, #7, #12, #8:
- #4(glossy)/#1(normal paper), #2:
LAN Peru, Lima, Peru, founded 1998. - #1:
LAOAG International Airlines, Laoag, Philippines, 1995-2006. - #1:
LAO Aviation, Vientiane, founded 1976 - renamed to Lao Airlines 2004.
- #3, #1, #11, #12:
- #4, #5, #10:
Lao Central Airlines, Vientiane, Laos, 2010-2014. - 1:
Lao Skyway, Vientiane, Laos, founded 2002. - #1, #3:
LAP, Asuncion, Paraguay, 1963-1994. - #4:
Laser Linea Aerea, Caracas, Venzuela, founded 1993. - #2b:
LATAM, Santiago de Chile, founded 2010 by merger of LAN and TAM, brand launched 2016.
- #1(flatbase), #3(sealed base):
Lauda Air, Vienna, Austria. 1979 -2004 sold to Austrian, brand kept until 2013.
- #9(no clip), #1, #7, #3:
Lauda Air Italia, Milan, Italy, 1996-2007. - #1:
Laudamotion, Vienna, Austria, founded 2016. - #1(front and rear):
LC Perú, Lima, founded 2011 by renaming from LC Busre, ceased 2019. - #1:
LEVEL, Barcelona, Spain, founded 2017. - #1, #3:
LIAT (Leeward Islands Air Transport), St. George, Antigua and Barbuda, founded 1956.
Libyan Airlines, Tripoli, 2010 renamed from Libyan. Arab Airlines. - #1:
Libyan Arab Airlines, Tripoli, 1965-2010 renamed to Libyan Airlines.
- #6, #5, #2, #1:
Lider Aviacao, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, founded 1958. - #1:
Lina Congo, Brazzaville, Rep. of Congo, 1961/1965 - 2005. - #1:
Linjeflyg, Stockholm, Sweden, 1957-1992 integrated into SAS. - #5, #2:
Lion Air, Jakarta, Indonesia, founded 1999, (owns 100% of Wings Air -q.v.).
- #4, #5, #6 and #1:
- #8, #9, #10::
Lithuanian Airlines, Vilnius, 1991- Jan. 2009. - #1, #2, #4:
Livingston Energy Flight, Milano, Italy, 2003-2010. - #4
Name revived under 2012 launched Livingston Compagnia Aerea, ceased 2014. - #1:
Loftleidir Icelandic, Reykjavik, 1944-1979 merged with Flugfelag to Icelandair(q.v.). - #2:
London City Airways, UK, founded 1988 by renaming from Eurocity Express(q.v.), ceased and reintegrated 1990 into BMI (q.v.). - #1:
Loong Air, Hangzhou, China, founded 2013. - #1, #3, #6, #7:
LOT, Warsaw, Poland, founded 1929.
- #3, #4b(normal-)/#21(high glossy- paper), #10, #8-normal/#11-glossy paper,
and w/o pics further variations in diff stickers and paper qualities:
- #34, #25, 27/28(normal/glossy paper), #13:
- #31, #35, #38(flat base)/#45(pointed base), #46:
Lotus Air, Cairo, Egypt, 1997 - 2011. - #4/#9(diff maker), #2, #7:
LTE, Palma de M., Spain, 1987-2008(interrupted 201-2005 renamed as Volar, q.v.).
#1, #2(normal paper)/#3(glossy paper), and #4:
LTU-LTS, Munich, Germany, 1988-1997. - #26, #27:
LTU, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1955-2009 integrated into Air Berlin.
- #1/#19(w lateral clip), #8/#9(diff maker logo), #23:
- #4/#4a/#13/#18/#20/#28/#28a/30(all small variations), #15pointed base, #7:
- #3, #2:
Lucky Air, Kunming, Yunnan Prov., China, founded 2006. - #6(rear plain), #8rear(front as #6):
Lübeck Air, Lübeck, Germany, founded 2016. - #1:
LUFTHANSA, Cologne, Germany, founded 1955.
white/blue bags: #12, #32(w dates), #5/#10/#33(diff maker), brown bags #1/#15/#20 (diff base):
- #2, #29/30(diff base), light grey bags #3/#4/#18(diff paper and base), #6:
- #37, blue bags #19/#24(diff base print), #7, #8:
#34(normal)/#35(glossy paper), #42(diff. supplier). Pointy base #44, #46(normal)/#47(glossy):
- #23:
Luxair, Sandweiler, Luxemburg, founded 1948.
#5/#8/#3(different makers in gussets), #6, #1/#9(diff maker), #10:
- #11: