Plovdiv Airport, Bulgaria; Frankfurt Airport, Germany; Brown Aircraft Supply, USA:
FFA - Federation Francaise Aeronautique, Paris, founded 2004 by renaming from 1929 founded FNA.
- #1 (front and rear):
- with special thanks to famous designer Daniela Glunz for unique preparation 4 Manga-style design bags:
- Sick Saver #3, #2:
With thanks to Gerd Clemens for the bag of Suchtberatung Worms, Germany.
Front and rear:
ELAG - Bag makers own promo / pattern bags , #1-2010, Art.2061, Art 2062:
The following scan gives you an inspiration about how to use overdue airsickness bags -
just put a tealight-candle inside to illuminate your garden-party in an appropriate way:
JingXuanMingCha: High Class Chinese tea - the sicknessbag is being used to pack tea leafs,
Max Brenner Chocolates, and HongKong Yu´s - trader in traditional Chinese herbs and health products : - with thanks to Sönke Tams-Freier - #1,
as to their website Taiwanese fast food…..packed in sickness bag doesn´t convince me about food quality.
- with thanks to Gerhard Lang for this Christmas greetings 2010: travel agency; Airtours Travel Operator UK; and Falk Lauritzen travel agency DK: Netherlands, Shubh Yatra India #1(front and rear) travel agency/tour organizer:
Hotel Bags from China:
Movie-Promotion bags: jackass #6(Germany 2010, and HARDCORE(Germany 2017):
Night of the Virgin (Germany, Nov. 2017) -front and rear:
2019 - 3 creative multiuse bags :
German consultants, French insurance companies Avant de Mourir and Ass Prev Routiere:
Bus/cab transportation and Suture bag which seems to be clinic demand for surgery waste:
Sandoz Austria Pharmaceuticals Bag, and Promo-bag for Sea-Band Anti-Nausea wrist strap:
German Pharmacy bag, for delivery-service of pharmaceuticals to end user (front and rear):
Morning Chickness #6 - marvellous bamboo design for pregnant women :
Campain 2017 "Keep China tidy" - 2 different bags, also in size:
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