Eastar Jet, Seoul, Korea, founded 2007. - #1, #2, #3:
EASTERN, Miami, Florida, USA, 1926-1991.
- #1 / #6, #4 / #10, #8a, #9:
East Star Airlines, Wuhan, China, 2005-2009. - #2:
Easy Jet, Luton, UK, founded 1995. - #1, #6, #7:
EBA - Euro Belgium Airlines, Brussels, 1991-1996. - #2:
EC AIR - Equatorial Congo Airlines, Brazzaville, Rep of the Congo, 2011-2016.
- #3, #2, #1:
Ecuatoriana de Aviacion, Quito, Ecuador, 1957 - 2006.
- #5, #3:
Edelweiss Air, Zurich, Switzerland, founded 1995. - #1glossy-, #2normal paper and addtnl text:
Egypt Air, Cairo, founded 1932. - #7, #8, #5:
- #20/#23/#16/#17, #47, #30, #48:
- #9, #36, #2, #4:
- #44, #58, #59 and gussets print #58and#59:
-#54/#55(diff base and no tear off), #62 and gusset print, #15a:
- #51:
Egyptair Express, Cairo, founded 2007. - #3, #4a:
El AL, Tel Aviv, Israel, founded 1948.
- #1(Name in gussets), #5, #9, #6maker in gusset/#7/#10diff cut/paper:
- #3 front and rear, #4 front and rear, glossy paper:
- #13, #14, #17, #23:
Ellinair, Thessaloniki, Greece, founded 2013. - #1, #3:
EMIRATES, Dubai, U.A.E., founded 1985. - #4, #7 thru #15 in several varations:
- #1, #5, #16(zigzag cut)/#18(straight cut)/#19(tear off stip w zigzag):
Empire Airlines, Hayden, Idaho, USA, founded 1977. - #1:
Enter Air, Warzaw, Poland, founded 2010. - #1, #2, #2a:
ERAM AIR, Tabriz, Iran, 2005- 2013. - #1:
Eritrean Airlines, Asmara, Eritrea, founded 1991 commenced operation 2003. - #1:
Estonian Air, Tallin, Estonia, founded 1991. - #2, #1, #6/#7, #4:
Ethiopian Airlines, Addis Abeba, founded 1946. - #2/#5(thin letters), #13, #12/#7:
ETIHAD, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., founded 2003:
#1, #4/#5(diff paper), #6/#10(diff paper):
- #7, #8, #9/#13, #3:
Euro Atlantic Airways, Sintra, Portugal, founded 2000 by renaming from Air Madeira. - #1, #3:
Eurocypria, Larnaca, Cyprus, 1992-2010. - # 1, #3(pointed)/#2(flat base):
Eurocity Express, London, 1986-1988 renamed to London City Airways(q.v.). - #1:
EuroLOT, Warsaw, Poland, founded 1996. - #2:
Europe Airpost, Paris, France, 1991-2015 renamed to ASL Airlines France. - #1:
European Air Charter, Sofia, Bulgaria, founded 2021 by renaming from Bulgarian A.C.(q.v.). - #1:
European Coastal Airlines, Zagreb, Croatia, founded 2000.
Hint: Operating in Adria aera Seaplanes only. - #1:
Eurowings, Düsseldorf, Germany, founded 1993. - #1, #2, #3, #4/#12 diffpaper, all front/rear same:
- #5/#13 diff paper, #7 all front German/rear English:
- #9, #6 all front German/rear English:
- #10, #8 all front German/rear English:
- #11, #15/#21(pointy base) all front German, rear English:
- #14, #16 all front German, rear English:
- #17, #18, #19, #20(pointy base) all front German, rear English:
Eurowings DISCOVER., Frankfurt, Germany, 2021 -2023 renamed as Discover Airlines(q.v.). - #1:
EVA Air, Taipeh, Taiwan, founded 1989.
#1(Evergreen Group Airlines combined), #1, #10:
#12 (Kitty 1), #14 (Kitty 2), #22 (Kitty 3):
#3, #2, #11:
- #16, #17(glossy paper)/#21(normal paper), #24(normal paper, larger Name):
- #18, #23(Kitty 4) -bag no. 2000 to collection-, #26normal/#26A glossy paper:
- #25, #27:
Evelop Airlines, Palma de M., Spain, founded 2013 as subsidary of Orbest(q.v.).
- (Bag widely recgnzd #1 is considered with me as Orbest Portugal (q.v.)) - #2, #3, #4:
Excalibur Airways, UK, 1992-1996. - #2(normal paper)/#1(glossy and w thumbhole):
Excel Airways, Crawley, UK, 2001-2006 renamed to XL.com UK. - #1:
Express Air, Ampenan, Indonesia, 2013-2012 renamed to Xpress Air. - #1(front and rear shown):
Express Jet Airlines, Houston / Texas, USA. Founded 1986.
Operating for United Express. Generic white bag.
EZNIS airways, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia, founded 2006. - #1, #2: